Partnership Policy

What is our No Risk Partnership Policy?

With our No Risk Partnership Policy you can be sure you’re not locked into arrangements or contracts that take the control away from you and managing your business.

Jigsaw Management Services is built on our reputation; on customer loyalty; and repeat business. We have no need to pressure our customers into commercial arrangements. Our agreements are based on a mutual desire to develop reciprocal value for you the Customer and Jigsaw Management Services.

What does this mean for me The Customer?

For you, as a customer of Jigsaw Management Services, you can be sure we are focused on developing value in your business. We invest time with your Business and Staff to ensure we understand what your needs, to make sure our services are relevant and aimed at achieving Real Outcomes.

We don’t need lawyers, or pages of legal ease to understand we are in business to develop partnerships that work and develop prosperity for all. It’s common sense.

Who controls the Business arrangements?

The answer is simple, those who stand to gain the most, YOU do. If you aren’t happy with the outcomes being achieved by Jigsaw Management Services then all you need do is settle the accounts and end the engagement. No fuss, no anxiety.

We have no desire to work with organisations or individuals for whom our value is not tangible. Not every business can be saved, or needs Jigsaw Management Services. All we ask is to consider our services as a vehicle to achieve your business goals. If after accepting this challenge you’re not happy or wish to re-evaluate your position, we will respect your decision.
